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Writer's pictureRyan O'Neill

Frank's Box: Exploring the Legacy and Philosophy of ITC Pioneer Frank Sumption

Franks Box at Torwood Castle

Frank’s Box: The Philosophy Behind Its Creation

In the world of paranormal investigation, there are certain tools that stand out—not just for what they do, but for the philosophy behind them. One such tool is Frank’s Box, a device that’s been at the heart of ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) research for over two decades. But what really sets Frank’s Box apart isn’t just the mechanics of the tool; it’s the vision of its creator, Frank Sumption, that continues to inspire researchers today.

It all began in 1995, when Frank stumbled upon an article about Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) in Popular Electronics. That article would spark a journey that led to the creation of one of the most influential devices in modern paranormal research.

The Early Days of Frank’s Work

Franks Box Creator Frank Sumption

Like many pioneers, Frank didn’t find success right away. His initial experiments with EVP didn’t yield the results he was hoping for, and after several years of frustration, he set the work aside. But in 2000, something changed. Frank began to get results—real, undeniable communication from beyond. That’s when he realised he was onto something big.

By 2002, Frank had built the first Frank’s Box, a device designed for real-time communication with entities beyond our physical reality. It was a blend of white noise generation and an AM radio receiver, modified to sweep through frequencies and capture snippets of sound. These fragments were then transformed into coherent messages, offering a direct line to the unknown.

The Birth of a Game-Changer

The Franks Box

I personally remember hearing about Frank’s Box back in 2005, through researchers like Jennette Osborne, who shared some truly intriguing communication results. Many others in the paranormal community were also beginning to report success with this new device, describing it as a game-changer for capturing intelligent voices.

But what made Frank stand out was his motivation. He wasn’t in this for fame or fortune. He wasn’t selling books or pushing overpriced gadgets. Frank was an inventor, driven by a genuine desire to communicate with what he called “The Others.” He wasn’t swayed by sceptics or thrill-seekers—his focus was always on the pursuit of truth.

The Philosophy Behind Frank’s Box

Frank’s philosophy, as it turns out, resonates with many of us who explore the paranormal. He believed that our own consciousness plays a crucial role in ITC work, and he often said, “You can create the voices you want to hear.”

That idea might sound like debunker fodder, but Frank understood something profound: we are spirit, just as the entities we seek to communicate with are spirit. Our thoughts and intentions can influence the messages we receive. Many researchers, myself included, have experienced this firsthand—getting responses to questions we’ve only thought about, or hearing voices that reflect our internal state of mind.

Frank’s Box isn’t just a tool for hearing voices; it’s a tool for connecting with the non-physical, shaped by our own consciousness. The randomness of the sounds, whether from radio frequencies or other noise sources, is transformed by an intelligence on the other side—something Frank understood deeply.

Beyond the Box: Frank’s Broader Vision

Franks Box Portal

Frank was also quick to point out that the Frank’s Box is just one method for achieving communication. As he put it, “The box is one way, but there’s also EVPmaker, crowd noise, running water, wind and fans… anything with those human speech components can be used.”

His thinking was ahead of its time. He understood, much like Nikola Tesla, that energy, frequencies, and vibrations were key to unlocking these mysteries. Whether it’s a Frank’s Box or a simple background noise, our unseen friends can manipulate sound waves to get their messages across.

Frank’s exploration of higher dimensions also set him apart. He wasn’t just interested in ghost hunting; he was looking at communication on a much larger scale—one that involved accessing higher states of awareness and understanding the true nature of spirit.

Does Frank’s Box Really Work?

Franks Box Spooked Scotland

The answer, for many open-minded researchers, is a resounding yes. The device continues to be used in investigations around the world, with countless reports of coherent, intelligent responses. Frank’s Box has inspired a whole generation of inventors and paranormal enthusiasts, many of whom are developing their own tools based on the same principles.

But like any tool, the only way to know for sure if it works is to test it yourself. Spend time with it, approach your sessions with an open mind, and see what results you get. Don’t fall into the trap of dismissing it without trying—especially if you haven’t used it with a solid, thoughtful hypothesis.

The Legacy of Frank Sumption

We lost a true pioneer when Frank Sumption passed in 2014, but his impact on the field of ITC lives on. His dedication, his refusal to seek fame or fortune, and his groundbreaking insights continue to shape the work of paranormal researchers today.

Have you used a Frank’s Box? If you’ve had your own experiences, I’d love to hear about them. Share your stories below, and let’s keep pushing the boundaries of what we know.

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1 comentari

Tracy Simpson
11 de set.

I haven't used an actual Frank's Box (made by Frank Sumption) before but I have been researching using radio ITC for almost a decade. The first several years I was just playing around with different radios until I became quite serious about my research in 2016. I use vintage portable radios that have been "hacked" meaning that their ability to lock onto a signal and stop scanning has been disabled. Frank originally believed that the randomness of his sweep system across the AM band was the best place to start and then bouncing that around in an echo chamber built into the unit. As time went on he felt that a linear sweep might perhaps be even better and t…

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