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Writer's pictureRyan O'Neill

Can Spirits Use Spirit Communication Apps: How Consciousness & Intention Matter!

Spirit Communication Apps & Devices

The world of the paranormal is filled with assumptions. We all make them—it’s part of human nature. But what happens when our assumptions are based solely on belief, or on the dismissals of pseudo-sceptics? Worse yet, what if we refuse to change our thinking when new evidence emerges?

Over the past two decade, I’ve learnt a valuable lesson: we know far less than we think we do. No single individual possesses all the answers, nor can any claim to have exclusive knowledge of the correct methods and techniques within the realm of Paranormal Research & Investigation.

So, when I hear the same tired arguments against paranormal phenomena, spirit communication apps, or the use of certain equipment, I’m no longer surprised. And, of course, there’s always that sceptical assumption—"Spirits can’t influence electronic devices"

The evidence, however, suggests otherwise if you are open-minde denoughto look.

Can Spirits Really Influence Electronic Devices?

Spirit Communication Apps on Location

Some believers and sceptics alike often claim that spirits can’t interact with technology. Some argue it’s impossible, while others cling to outdated thinking, using conditioned beliefs to dismiss the idea outright. Usually based on the words of others, and not direct attempts to test methodologies.

I’ve addressed sceptical perspective many times, especially in relation to pareidolia, conformation bias or other buzz-words, so I won’t delve into that here. Instead, let’s explore the misconception that consciousness—ours and that of spirits—can’t affect devices like audio apps or other technology. This understanding is crucial in grasping how tools such as the SP7 Spirit Box App might actually function.

When I began exploring the mysteries of the afterlife, I also studied consciousness and its impact on the physical world. Could our thoughts influence reality? And could we measure it?

The answer is a definitive yes.

Consiousness IS Fundemental!

The Science Behind Consciousness and Technology

University study of Spirit Communication Apps or Random Devices

A significant amount of research has been conducted in this area, particularly by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR). Since 1998, PEAR has been studying how global consciousness interacts with physical systems. One of their key projects involved using random number generators to detect patterns during major world events—such as the emotional shockwave surrounding 9/11.

The results were undeniable: consciousness, especially when emotionally charged, causes distinct changes in these devices—far beyond what could be attributed to chance. For example, during the events of 9/11, the random number generators showed clear, measurable patterns aligning with the collective emotional response.

It’s no surprise that many cynics are uncomfortable with these results. Accepting this data would mean questioning their deeply held beliefs—something many are unwilling to do. Instead, they dismiss the findings, brushing them off as outliers or misinterpretations, just as they’ve done with countless pieces of paranormal evidence.

But for those of us seeking the truth, these results are exhilarating. They show that consciousness can indeed influence devices—sometimes in profound ways.

How Does This Relate to Spirit Communication Apps?

Spirit Communication Apps Leap Of Faith

In the realm of paranormal research, we often need to take a leap of faith—just as science does when it accepts the concept that everything came from nothing (cue the Big Bang). As Terence McKenna famously put it:

“Modern science is based on the principle: ‘Give us one free miracle, and we’ll explain the rest.’ That miracle is the appearance of all the mass and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it in a single instant from nothing.”

If it's good enough for Science, it's good enough for researchers too.

So, if we’re dealing with the afterlife, we’re dealing with consciousness—non-physical, but capable of interacting with the physical. If our emotional responses can affect devices, then why wouldn’t non-physical consciousness (spirits) be able to do the same, perhaps even more efficiently?

This is where the argument that spirits can’t communicate through devices like audio apps starts to unravel. If we accept that the afterlife exists and that spirits are units of consciousness, then it’s hardly a stretch to believe that they can influence technology too.

For a considerable period, paranormal investigators have been studying instances where electronic devices are manipulated in ways that may seem unusual to the general public. This includes phenomena like lights flickering, TVs and radios changing volume on their own, and kitchen appliances operating without any visible physical interaction. Dismissing such occurrences simply because one has not personally witnessed them, regardless of years spent in research, does not discredit the accounts of witnesses or the experiences of fellow researchers. Such thinking is flawed and biased.

The Pseudo-Scepticism Problem

Spirit Communication Apps Sceptic Problem

I understand that this isn’t always helped by certain YouTube personalities who piggyback on legitimate research for their own benefit. Some of these individuals may not do the field justice, which leads to increased scepticism within the paranormal community itself.

But we must be careful. Disliking someone or distrusting their fame doesn’t mean that their results should be dismissed out of hand. We need to separate personalities from the data and rigorously test these devices ourselves. Only through careful research, solid hypotheses, and collaboration can we truly move forward.

The problem lies with those who seek to debunk simply for the sake of it. Some "celebrity sceptics" are more interested in winning arguments than in finding the truth. They depend solely on textbook information without delving into potential alternatives, restricting their comprehension of the universe to the perspectives of individuals who documented it in the past with their own inherent biases.

Some individuals are striving for fame and financial gain through views, books, and similar avenues. It is important to acknowledge that this pursuit mirrors the behavior of the aforementioned personalities, illustrating a two-way street in the quest for recognition and prosperity.

Let us not allow these examples to distract us from the truth!

Does This Mean All Devices Work?

Spirit Communication Apps or Devices

Not all paranormal devices are reliable. Some programs and devices are designed to produce false positives, either to make a quick profit or to deceive serious researchers.

However, that doesn’t mean we should dismiss the entire concept of paranormal communication through technology. Just because a few bad actors have entered the field doesn’t mean the whole thing is a fraud.

The only way to determine if a device works is to test it. Collaborate with other researchers, share data, and approach your investigations with an open mind. This is how we separate the worthless from the legitimate tools that can truly aid in spirit communication.

Consciousness Can Influence Devices—And So Can Spirits

The key takeaway here is this: consciousness can influence devices. Whether it’s human consciousness or the consciousness of spirits, the data is there. Dismissing devices like audio apps or random data generators without thoroughly testing them is a mistake.

Personally, I’ve tested these tools and experienced results that defy conventional explanation. After years of research, I’m firmly of the belief that yes, these devices can work. But it’s up to each of us to do the research, conduct rigorous testing, and remain open to changing our perspectives as new information comes to light, either way.

So, where do you stand? Are you seeking the truth, or are you simply trying to debunk and discredit new information?

Good luck On Your Journey Of Discovery!


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