Louise Walker
Meet Louise Walker, Spiritual Medium and Paranormal Researcher
Spiritual Medium based in Fife. Specialises in Spiritual Healing, Messages from spirit Readings with Angel Therapy Cards, Unicorn Oracle Cards, Native American Animal Cards & the meaning in numbers.
Experienced Spiritual Medium
Co-Host of Spiritual & Spooked Events
SP Live Tarot Readings & Guidance
Past-Life Regression
Louise's Story
Hi, my name is Louise Walker and I'm a spiritual medium and paranormal researcher. My working life has been varied from banking to foster carer, primary school volunteer, parent helper to voluntarily running a group for visually impaired people. Nowadays, I run a spiritual development group and I regularly serve spirit in the spiritual churches.
As well as doing charity events, I'm also part of our Spiritual & Spooked events which we host at venues around the country. I do private spiritual readings for clients and also past life regression. I believe what we did, who we were, where we lived etc. has an importance on who we are today - also what we do and learn in this life will make an influence on our future life. I believe spirit has been around me since day one as I had what my parents called “my invisible friend “ who has been by my side since then.
I enjoy working with spirits on all three levels Spiritual, Paranormal and Past Life.